类: KeyObject


The [crypto.createSecretKey()][], [crypto.createPublicKey()][] and [crypto.createPrivateKey()][] methods are used to create KeyObject instances. KeyObject objects are not to be created directly using the new keyword.

Most applications should consider using the new KeyObject API instead of passing keys as strings or Buffers due to improved security features.


  • {string}

For asymmetric keys, this property represents the type of the key. Supported key types are:

  • 'rsa' (OID 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1)
  • 'rsa-pss' (OID 1.2.840.113549.1.1.10)
  • 'dsa' (OID 1.2.840.10040.4.1)
  • 'ec' (OID 1.2.840.10045.2.1)
  • 'x25519' (OID
  • 'x448' (OID
  • 'ed25519' (OID
  • 'ed448' (OID
  • 'dh' (OID 1.2.840.113549.1.3.1)

This property is undefined for unrecognized KeyObject types and symmetric keys.


  • options: {Object}
  • Returns: {string | Buffer}

For symmetric keys, this function allocates a Buffer containing the key material and ignores any options.

For asymmetric keys, the options parameter is used to determine the export format.

For public keys, the following encoding options can be used:

  • type: {string} Must be one of 'pkcs1' (RSA only) or 'spki'.
  • format: {string} Must be 'pem' or 'der'.

For private keys, the following encoding options can be used:

  • type: {string} Must be one of 'pkcs1' (RSA only), 'pkcs8' or 'sec1' (EC only).
  • format: {string} Must be 'pem' or 'der'.
  • cipher: {string} If specified, the private key will be encrypted with the given cipher and passphrase using PKCS#5 v2.0 password based encryption.
  • passphrase: {string | Buffer} The passphrase to use for encryption, see cipher.

When PEM encoding was selected, the result will be a string, otherwise it will be a buffer containing the data encoded as DER.

PKCS#1, SEC1, and PKCS#8 type keys can be encrypted by using a combination of the cipher and format options. The PKCS#8 type can be used with any format to encrypt any key algorithm (RSA, EC, or DH) by specifying a cipher. PKCS#1 and SEC1 can only be encrypted by specifying a cipher when the PEM format is used. For maximum compatibility, use PKCS#8 for encrypted private keys. Since PKCS#8 defines its own encryption mechanism, PEM-level encryption is not supported when encrypting a PKCS#8 key. See [RFC 5208][] for PKCS#8 encryption and [RFC 1421][] for PKCS#1 and SEC1 encryption.


  • {number}

For secret keys, this property represents the size of the key in bytes. This property is undefined for asymmetric keys.


  • {string}

Depending on the type of this KeyObject, this property is either 'secret' for secret (symmetric) keys, 'public' for public (asymmetric) keys or 'private' for private (asymmetric) keys.

最后修改 April 16, 2020: 加密 (a75e592)